Southern Nevadans now have expanded access to COVID-19 testing with the opening of self-test vending machines at the following locations.

  • RTC Bonneville Transit Center (lobby)
    101 E. Bonneville Ave.
    Las Vegas, NV 89101
  • Mesa View Regional Hospital (emergency department lobby)
    1299 Bertha Howe Ave.
    Mesquite, NV 89027
  • Regional Government Center
    101 Civic Way
    Laughlin, NV 89029
  • East Las Vegas Community Center
    250 N Eastern Ave
    Las Vegas, NV 89101
  • Southern Nevada Health District Fremont Public Health Center
    2830 E Fremont St
    Las Vegas, NV 89104
  • RTC South Strip Transit Terminal
    6675 Gilespie St Enterprise
    Las Vegas, NV 89119

The project was funded with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s national initiative to address COVID-19 health disparities among populations that are at high risk for infection and who are underserved, including minority and rural communities.

Register for Test Kits

The at-home antigen test kits are free. People who are interested in accessing the tests from the vending machines can register at A PIN will be issued once registration is completed. It is recommended that a telephone number be included, but it is not required. The phone number will become the PIN if it is provided. The PIN will allow people to access any of the three vending machines and receive five tests per month.

COVID-19 continues to circulate in the community. People should get tested if they have symptoms or if they are a close contact of someone who has COVID-19, if they are planning on attending a large event or traveling.

Test results for at-home tests are available after 15 minutes. If a positive test result is received, a person should follow the CDC Respiratory Guidance. The Health District recommends following up with a health care provider if there are questions.